The East Ridge City Council approved spending more than $2 million on improvements to Camp Jordan Park, Thursday night during its regular meeting at City Hall.
The improvements will include new bathrooms at the four decades old par, along with concession stands and fencing. Canopies on bleachers will be added to shade spectators at events. Some old structures in the park will be given a face lift by adding a stone-like facade. In addition, the roof at the arena will be repaired.
The money to finance the improvements will come from a loan through the Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund. The debt service on the loan will be paid from hotel/motel taxes collected by the city.
The council voted to enter into an agreement with Dick’s Sporting Goods for signage at Camp Jordan Park. The sporting goods store will provide cash to the city along with sporting equipment.
On second reading the council approved the police department instituting an electronic citation program.
The council approved the rezoning of a house at 1403 Sewanee Drive from General Commercial to Residential. The rezoning was required to complete the sale of the home.
On first reading, the council amended an ordinance that proscribes the members of the City’s Planning Commission. Under the revised ordinance, Mayor Brent Lambert would be allowed to appoint a person to serve in his stead on the five-member panel. Lambert stepped down from the board in November, only to be informed that there was no provision in the city’s current ordinance allowing him to do so.
The council gave its blessing for staff to apply for a Community Development Block Grant for blight removal. The city could apply for a grant of up to $300,000. If the city was awarded the grant it would be obligated for 11 percent of the cost.
The council approved entering into a settlement with J&J Contractors and River City Architecture over the construction of the concrete pad in the bay of the new No. 2 Fire Hall on St. Thomas. The pad had cracked after the curing process. Epoxy and a sealer was used to affect repairs. The settlement will include monitoring the floor throughout a warranty period. The city can bring suit if the integrity of the floor fails over the next three and a half years.
The council accepted a $500 donation from Tennessee American Water Company to be used for safety equipment for the fire department.
A $1,000 check from Susan and Mike Perruso was given to the city’s Animal Services Department, to spay and neuter 20 animals. The Perruso’s are involved in avian rescue and rehabilitation of injured ducks. They sometimes use Camp Jordan in their efforts.