The East Ridge City Council accepted a bid from a contractor to begin construction on a new fire hall on St. Thomas Street, Thursday night during its regular meeting.
J & J Contractors will do the job after coming in with the low bid of $1.499 million. The city had originally budgeted $1 million for the construction of the No. 2 Fire Hall, officials said. The additional $500,000 will come from the city’s reserve funds, said City Manager Scott Miller.
Fire Chief Mike Williams told the council that the fire station on the east side of Interstate 75 is essential for providing protection for a growing community. He noted that there are 800 homes and 70 businesses on that side of the interstate. Another 100 homes and 40 townhouses are under construction off Frawley Road.
“As population grows, demand for services increase,” Chief Williams said. “I ask the Mayor and Council to look to the future. Look where we are going and not where we are.”
The council tabled an ordinance that would revise the rules for extended stay motels.
During the “Communication from Citizens” portion of the meeting, Laura Seneker told the council that she was concerned about representatives from the hotel/motel industry having too much input in the crafting of the ordinance.
The ordinance – which would put limits on the number of days a guest can stay in a motel – had gone through the Planning Commission before hotel/motel representatives where invited to discuss the proposed changes. The hotel/motel representatives met with staff from the City Attorney’s office to craft the final draft, which would allow a maximum of 210 days a year.
Matthew DeGlopper, who is a candidate for City Council in the upcoming election, voiced his displeasure that “special interests” had watered down the ordinance. He suggested that the council reconsider passing this version of the ordinance and offered the solution of “exempting” chain hotels from the proposed regulations.
Mayor Brent Lambert said that having rules that treat businesses differently could lead to litigation under the “equal protection” clause of the Constitution. He said attempts to address extended stay hotel issues has been a “tedious process.”
“We are trying to do something that is in the best interests of the community,” Lambert said.
Councilman Jackie Cagle said that he had received his agenda packet on Monday and that he needed more time to consider the issue. He made a motion to table the ordinance which passed with a unanimous vote.
The Council voted to allow City Manager Miller to enter into discussions with Hamilton County Schools “exploring” the possibility of the City assuming control of the athletic fields and tennis courts at East Ridge High School.
Miller explained to the council that the city would incur and initial capital expense of $40,000 and recurring yearly costs of almost $60,000 in ongoing maintenance costs.
The council voted unanimously to provide $600,000 in financial incentives to aid in the construction of a new retail establishment at the corner of Mack Smith and Ringgold Roads. Developer TracyHopkins-Tindall is building a 5,500 square-foot building which will have three businesses – Dunkin Donuts, possibly a Firehouse Subs and a third to be named later.
City Manager Miller went over projected financial benefits, which over a 20-year period would net the City more than $1.5 million. “I think it’s a good package,” he said. “It brings in new businesses that will add value.”
The council passed a resolution to accept a bid of $947,000 from Talley Construction for street resurfacing. City Manager Miller said work on the streets on the list for resurfacing would not begin until next spring.
The council passed an ordinance on first reading that would establish penalties for businesses that are delinquent in paying liquor by the drink taxes.
It passed a resolution to purchase soccer uniforms, and another which allows the Court Clerk’s office to adopt a schedule of fees consistent with Hamilton County Sessions Court.
Representatives from the Elk’s Lodge presented a check for $1,000 to purchase a ballistic vest for one of the East Ridge Police Department’s newest members – K9 Axel.

City officials accept a $1,000 check from the Elk’s Lodge to purchase a ballistic vest for K9 Axel, Thursday night at the City Council meeting.