The following information was gathered from department “pass along” reports from Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2-3.

1410 N. Mack Smith Road:Julie Foster was located at the Budgetel and arrested for active warrants issued for failure to appear. Ms. Foster was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
3741 Ringgold Road:
Nicholas Wade reported an unknown suspect broke into his GMC Sierra yesterday evening and stole his Walther PPS 9mm pistol. Mr. Wade advised that his vehicle was locked at the time, but there were no indications of forced entry.
3718 Fountain Avenue: A woman called police claiming a stranger was living in her laundry room. Upon arrival, police faced difficulty entering the laundry room due to a mattress that had been left lying on the floor and was preventing the door from opening. Once officers made entry into the laundry room, they encountered a man named Michael, who was living in the woman’s laundry room. Michael told police he used to live next door, but his roommate was arrested resulting in him being kicked out of the home and left with no place to live. The woman refused to press charges, but she wanted Michael to vacate. Michael was instructed to not return.
1300 Frederick Drive:A call was received regarding a suspicious vehicle that was parked near Frederick Drive and Bennett Road. The vehicle was checked and discovered to have been reported stolen from 3638 Missionaire Avenue earlier in the morning. The owner was notified and the vehicle was towed from the scene.
1221 E. Main Street:Police responded to the Hamilton County Child Support Office and took custody of Timothy Cosby, who had active East Ridge warrants for Aggravated Criminal Trespass and Vandalism. Mr. Cosby was transported to the Hamilton County Jail. A
3613 Ida Bell Lane:Police received a call regarding Wensdy Griffith blocking the intersection of Ida Bell Lane and Parham Drive. Wensdy Griffith was arrested for obstructing the roadway, disorderly conduct, assault, resisting, driving with a suspended license, financial responsibility, and an expired registration. An additional charge of aggravated assault was added after she bit an officer who was attempting to remove her from the holding cell at the police department.
5600 Ringgold Road: Dayna Overby was arrested for driving under the influence, driving left of center, and drug paraphernalia.
1701 Adair Avenue:A caller reported to police that there was a man in a truck that had two (2) young children get out of his vehicle in the street. The caller stated that she attempted to confront the man, who stated he was, “Teaching the kids a lesson.” The man got back into the vehicle and drove off, according to the reporting party. Police were unable to locate the vehicle.
Navajo Drive / Alice Drive:A caller reported hearing several gunshots in the area near Alice Drive. Police searched the area but were unable to locate the source of the noise.
302 Dunlap Drive:A caller stated that a man and a woman were in a loud argument in the apartment parking lot. Police arrived at the scene and found that all associated parties were gone.
3503 Cathy Lane:Residents reported seeing a white Ford Fusion driving slowly down the street. Police were advised that the vehicle was seen being driven in this manner several times over a one-hour period. Police were unable to locate the vehicle.
I-24 EB, MM 182.3:East Ridge Police and TDOT both responded to the area due to the report of a silver sedan crashing into a tractor trailer. ERPD checked both the east and west bound lanes but were unable to locate a vehicle crash.