_ 1512 S. Seminole Dr.: Police were called to the address on Thursday in regard to a burglary in progress. According to a police report, when officers arrived the suspects had managed to flee. Neighbors said they saw a silver Kia mini-van parked outside the address. A witness saw a black male break out a window in the back door while a black female driver pulled up front. The suspect then stole several large-screen televisions from the house and used the front door of the residence to exit. The van went north on Seminole, crossed over Ringgold Road and went up the hill on Hutchenson Avenue. The report states that the Kia narrowly missed colliding with another car as it made its getaway. The driver of the car that was almost hit by the Kia followed it on Ringgold Road. According to the report, the driver recognized the van as once having belonged to her mother-in-law and called in to complain about the driver’s erratic behavior. According to the report, the silver van has stickers on the back window and an M&R drive-out tag.
_ 3600 block Shirl Jo Lane: Police were called to an apartment on this street Thursday night when a resident returned to her unit to find that someone had been living there. According to a report, The victim told police that she rents the apartment but hasn’t been staying there on a regular basis. She was last in the unit in January, the report states, and the manager said that pest control workers were inside the unit the first week of February and found nothing out of the ordinary. The victim told police she came to the apartment on Thursday evening and found a make-shift bed on the floor, children’s clothes that weren’t hers, cigarette butts, trash, and food scattered throughout. The victim also realized that all her furniture had been stolen, including her sofa, chairs, children’s furniture, television, and her washer and dryer. The report states that the rear sliding door to the unit was open. Neighbors told police that they heard voices inside over the last week or so, but never saw anyone outside.
_ Ringgold Road at Maxwell: Police were dispatched to the area on a well-being check Wednesday evening. According to a department “pass along” report, Police located a man in the 5500 block of Ringgold Road covered in blood. According to the report, the man told police that he had been stabbed by a black male named “Maziekal.” Detectives were notified, the report states.
_ Cedar Wood Court: Police were called to the area after a citizen called stating he heard an explosion in the Camp Jordan area on Wednesday. Police spoke with staff at East Ridge Fire Department Station 2 who confirmed they also heard an explosion. A department report states that police and firefighters checked Camp Jordan and the surrounding area and located nothing out of the ordinary. Dispatch confirmed with the Electric Power Board that no power outages had been reported in the area.
_ 5008 Newport Dr.: Police were called to the address on Wednesday on a disorder. According to a report, police found Patrick Faulk and Lindsey Campbell were in a verbal argument at the location. The argument was over car keys, the report states. They were advised to keep the noise down. It was later found that Campbell had an active warrant through Hamilton County for violating probation on a child abuse case. She was taken into custody and transported to the Hamilton County Jail. Faulk was arrested and charged with Possession of Schedule VI Drugs for Resale.